Well,I haven't posted for a while because we've been busy! We've been trying to get to go to a ranch that has buffalo across the river and shoot one for meat for several months. Last week,the rancher called and she said it was now or never because she was gonna be busy after that day! We jumped in the F350 and roared over there! It's in an absolutley gorgeous spot in the Missouri River breaks. We got there,jumped in her pickup and drove to where the buffalo were. We got over and picked one out,it was probably a 2 year old bull. She said for Dad to shoot him whenever he got the shot. Dad then dropped him with his .30-06! We drove right up to him and started to gut him. Here are some pics... They're an awesome animal!! We got back to the ranch house,loaded him into our pickup,hosed him,put ice in him,drank a coke and went home to butcher him! We go home late,so we decided to just butcher him in the morning. We've been having great food!!